Forget about how to work with an issue; work with the client.

Many times I see postings on forums asking if people have as script for - and then an obscure issue gets listed. It's as if the common issues are all contained in a giant book of scripts and anything else one can go out and ask the community of hypnotherapists at large and someone will have it. Every time I see this I am forced to wonder, is this really serving the client, and is it the correct approach to hypnotherapy?
There's no doubt, if one has nowhere else to start from, a script is better than nothing. However, that is virtually never the case. When training therapists I always hammer home the things that helped me as I was learning my craft. hief among those things is asking questions. A one does so one realises swiftly that in almost all cases one is not working with 'arthritis' or 'depression', one is working with Josephine Smith, or Danny Demitrio. 
I don't know where those names popped up from, but they are quite suggestive and to the point, They suggest a little bit of character and that, after all, is what we are really working with. Every client has a unique character, with individual quirks and details, and in almost every case that is where we are to find the solutions to what troubles the client.
I subscribe to the general ideas proposed by Samuel Hahnemann, the noted founder of homeopathy, when it comes to disease (if not actual remedy). His theory was that all disease goes to a root of about four disease types (miasms), and manifest themselves in a variety of ways. In the treatment of clients using hypnotherapy we are well advised to return to this simplistic but often accurate truth. 
We need to spend less time focusing on diagnostic terms, such as ADHD or 'shingles', and more time really learning our client. The pertinent question is not, 'are we dealing with ADHD?' but more likely 'What is happening with the parents?' or  'What does this child thrive at?' or 'When is this child at his most joyful?' 
When we really get to know what makes our client tick the therapy we should deliver becomes very obvious. In many ways this is a clear differentiation between how we operate and how the medical profession operates. While the medical profession takes a simplistic approach (set the broken arm and send the client on their way), ours has to be more all encompassing (teach a client that it's not OK to keep returning to a partner that breaks your arm every couple of months).
Our  objectives as therapists should be to bring the client to a state that is comfortable and allows them to experience their joy. With the use of hypnosis we're able to motivate changes in their beliefs and lifestyle that will achieve this result. So, forget the scripts. Focus on the client and you'll find your answer.


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